I know what it feels like to be left behind, where it’s so hard to move forward, yet so easy to rewind, a step up becomes a climb and a crack becomes a break. A frequent question you ask every day is how much more can I take?

I wanted to share my life story with people studying with Train2Game because I know how much help it can give people knowing that they aren’t the only one that struggles with dyslexia and that you can achieve your dreams from self belief and determination.

I’d like to take this chance to say THANK YOU for all the comments and support everyone has shown me along the way.

For the first time in my life I can finally see its gone past hoping now; I now believe it can happen with Train2Game, this is something so good, I just can’t leave it alone, I want it so much and I know that I need it.


One response »

  1. Karl Evans says:

    Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for the sharing that with me, now i know im not the only one who has problems with dyslexic, your life story was inspiring to me because it sounds like your describing me life story. I do understand where you coming from about your school life because i was name dump, stupid and that i could not furfill my dream to be a game desinger, so im going to prove everyone wrong about me and complete this course and what i have allways wanted to do in my life, your story have told me that people anyway, who ever there are, they can furfill there dream.

    Thank you so much for sharing that with me because now i can furfill my dream job


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